Hillbury Road, Warlingham

June 2023

RML were commissioned to carry out a Site investigation for a demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of two new, two-storey, properties with habitable roof spaces, together with associated car parking, access and landscaping.

Field Work

Fieldwork was undertaken in line with British Standards BS 5930:2015+A1:2020. 2 No. Light Percussion Boreholes, Falling Head Permeability tests and Land-Borne Gas and Groundwater monitoring were undertaken as part of the investigation.

Ground Conditions

According to information published by British Geological Survey (BGS) the underlying geology is shown as being Clay-with-Flints overlying Upper Chalk of the Upper Cretaceous Period.

Laboratory Testing

Natural Moisture Contents, Atterberg Limits, Quick Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests, pH and Sulphates, Chemical Analysis- soil and Asbestos identifications were the Laboratory tests undertaken for the project.