Sponder, Derby

October 2021

RML undertook a Ground Investigation for the purposes of informing ground and groundwater conditions along a linear route in Sponder, Derby for the design and construction of a new water main and associated infrastructure.

Site Works By Risk Management Ltd

Intrusive fieldwork consisted of 14 No. Rotary core boreholes, 14 No. Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) tests and land-borne gas and groundwater monitoring.

Laboratory Testing

Laboratory testing included asbestos identification, pH and sulphate tests, soil and groundwater contamination tests.

Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire

September 2021

Risk Management Limited were commissioned to undertake a Phase II Site Investigation to inform the design and demolition of existing buildings and construction of 6 new industrial units with external hardstanding.

Intrusive Fieldwork

Intrusive fieldwork consisted of 3 No. Cable percussion boreholes, 6 No. drive-in-sampler boreholes, 6 No. MEXE probe tests, 1 No. Mechanically excavated trail prit, BRE 365 test, infiltration soil test and land-borne gas monitoring.

Laboratory Testing

Laboratory testing included Natural moisture content tests, Atterberg tests, Quick undrained triaxial compression tests, Dynamic headspace analysis, Asbestos identification, pH and Sulphate tests, Soil contamination test and WAC tests.