RML were commissioned to carry out an intrusive site investigation designed to obtain information on the sub-soil conditions at this site, together with some laboratory testing, in order to provide baseline information for any subsequent foundation design by others.
A Detailed UXO Threat & Risk Assessment was commissioned for the site prior to intrusive work, the report concluded that the risk level for the site was ‘medium’ with the most probable UXO threat posed by WWII German HE bombs, whilst IBs (Incendiary Bomb) and British AAA (Anti-Aircraft Ammunition) projectiles (which were used to defend against German bombing raids) pose a residual threat. Consequently on-site supervision was required during intrusive work.
Intrusive fieldwork consisted of On-Site-UXO Support, 1 No. Cable Percussion Borehole, 4 No. Hand Augered Boreholes and Land Borne Gas Monitoring.
Laboratory testing included Natural Moisture Contents, Quick Undrained, Triaxial Compression Tests, pH and Sulphate Tests and Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC).