RML were commissioned to carry out an intrusive site investigation designed to obtain information on the sub-soil conditions at this site, together with some laboratory testing, in order to provide baseline information for any subsequent foundation design by others.
A Detailed UXO Threat & Risk Assessment was commissioned for the site prior to intrusive work, the report concluded that the risk level for the site was ‘medium’ with the most probable UXO threat posed by WWII German HE bombs, whilst IBs (Incendiary Bomb) and British AAA (Anti-Aircraft Ammunition) projectiles (which were used to defend against German bombing raids) pose a residual threat. Consequently on-site supervision was required during intrusive work.
Intrusive fieldwork consisted of On-Site-UXO Support, 1 No. Cable Percussion Borehole, 4 No. Hand Augered Boreholes and Land Borne Gas Monitoring.
Laboratory testing included Natural Moisture Contents, Quick Undrained, Triaxial Compression Tests, pH and Sulphate Tests and Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC).
RML undertook a Verification Report for a development of 48 residential properties with associated private gardens, landscaped areas, hardstanding areas and access roads in Caterham, Surrey.
The site was unoccupied and mainly comprised former rear garden areas of existing houses.
RML produced a Verification Report in order to assist with the discharge of planning conditions relating to the development.
Soil samples were collected from locations randomly selected by visual inspection in
order to provide a good spread of material from across the area and
stockpiles. Soil samples were placed in appropriate containers for transport to the Risk
Management Limited in-house laboratory where they were combined, mixed, and
subdivided to produce representative composite samples.
RML were commissioned to carry out a Phase I Desk Study and Phase II Site Investigation for Vodafone at a site in Gravelly Hill, Birmingham.
A walkover survey was carried out by an RML Engineer to establish if contamination is present from any undocumented practice or industrial use of the land and surrounding land and if necessary to confirm the accuracy of the information obtained from elsewhere as part of the Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) data gathering process . A visual assessment of the land to check for signs of industrial activity, landfilling, fly tipping , fuel storage, fuel tanks, asbestos related materials or any land contamination was undertaken and a photographic record made to provide evidence to show the condition of the land at the time of the Walkover Survey.
The Detailed UXO Threat & Risk Assessment concluded that the risk level for the site was ‘high’ with the most probable UXO threat posed by WWII German HE bombs, whilst IBs (Incendiary Bomb) and British AAA (Anti-Aircraft Ammunition) projectiles (which were used to defend against German bombing raids) pose a residual threat. On site UXO support was therefore coordinated for all intrusive work.
Historical Ordnance Survey maps were also obtained for the site, as part of the PRA data gathering process. These maps were used to inform of potential historical contaminative processes.
5 No. concrete cores, MEXE probe CBR tests, 2 No. Drive-in-sampler boreholes, on-site UXO support and Land-borne gas monitoring were undertaken by experienced drillers and engineers.
Moisture contents, Atterberg Limits, Particle Size Distribution, Particle Size Distribution, Quick Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests, Uniaxial compression strength, pH & Sulphates, Chemical Analysis of soil and water and Asbestos Identification were laboratory tests undertaken for this project.
RML were instructed to undertake a ground investigation to determine the feasibility of a deep borehole soakaway at a site in Dormansland, Lingfield.
A Sonic core borehole was undertaken in order to investigate ground and groundwater conditions at the site. Sonic drilling is a technique that significantly reduces friction on the drill string and drill bit by using energy resonance to affect the soil structure where it contacts the drill string. This combination makes penetrating for a large range of soils much easier. Sonic drilling is most often used when the drilling is difficult and/or the integrity of the core sample is extremely important.
A Sonic borehole was drilled to investigate the feasibility of a deep borehole soakaway.
The investigation work at Salford Quays, Manchester for the end client Vodafone Ltd, was designed to obtain information on the existing internal slab and subsoil conditions at this site for a slab capacity check and to provide information for subsequent foundation design.
A Utility Search was commissioned prior to any intrusive work, with plans supplied to RML from Vodafone and United Utilities Water Limited shown to affect the site.
A Detailed UXO Threat & Risk Assessment was commissioned for the site prior to intrusive work, the report concluded that the risk level for the site was ‘medium’ with the most probable UXO threat posed by WWII German HE bombs, whilst IBs (Incendiary Bomb) and British AAA (Anti-Aircraft Ammunition) projectiles (which were used to defend against German bombing raids) pose a residual threat. Consequently on-site supervision was required during intrusive work.
Intrusive fieldwork consisted of 2 No. concrete cores, 2 No. drive-in-sampler boreholes and 3 No. CBR tests at each location.
Laboratory testing included Moisture Contents, Atterberg Limits, Particle Size Distribution and Quick Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests.
RML undertook a Ground Investigation for the purposes of informing ground and groundwater conditions along a linear route in Sponder, Derby for the design and construction of a new water main and associated infrastructure.
Intrusive fieldwork consisted of 14 No. Rotary core boreholes, 14 No. Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) tests and land-borne gas and groundwater monitoring.
Laboratory testing included asbestos identification, pH and sulphate tests, soil and groundwater contamination tests.
Risk Management Limited were commissioned to undertake a Phase II Site Investigation to inform the design and demolition of existing buildings and construction of 6 new industrial units with external hardstanding.
Intrusive fieldwork consisted of 3 No. Cable percussion boreholes, 6 No. drive-in-sampler boreholes, 6 No. MEXE probe tests, 1 No. Mechanically excavated trail prit, BRE 365 test, infiltration soil test and land-borne gas monitoring.
Laboratory testing included Natural moisture content tests, Atterberg tests, Quick undrained triaxial compression tests, Dynamic headspace analysis, Asbestos identification, pH and Sulphate tests, Soil contamination test and WAC tests.
Risk Management Limited were commissioned to undertake a Phase II Site Investigation to inform the design and erection of a 2 No. blocks of 3-storey properties, including roof terraces with an attached commercial unit to one of the terraces with associated car parking.
Intrusive fieldwork consisted of 1 No. Light-percussion boreholes up to 12m depth, 4 No. drive-in-sampler boreholes, 6 No. dynamic probe tests, 1 No. falling head permeability test, land-borne gas monitoring and photoionization detector (PID) monitoring.
Laboratory testing included Natural moisture content tests, Atterberg tests, Quick undrained triaxial compression tests, Dynamic headspace analysis, Asbestos identification, pH and Sulphate tests, Soil contamination test and WAC tests.