RML were commissioned to carry out a Site investigation for a demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of two new, two-storey, properties with habitable roof spaces, together with associated car parking, access and landscaping.
Fieldwork was undertaken in line with British Standards BS 5930:2015+A1:2020. 2 No. Light Percussion Boreholes, Falling Head Permeability tests and Land-Borne Gas and Groundwater monitoring were undertaken as part of the investigation.
According to information published by British Geological Survey (BGS) the underlying geology is shown as being Clay-with-Flints overlying Upper Chalk of the Upper Cretaceous Period.
Natural Moisture Contents, Atterberg Limits, Quick Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests, pH and Sulphates, Chemical Analysis- soil and Asbestos identifications were the Laboratory tests undertaken for the project.