Risk Management Limited were employed on behalf of Affinity Water to undertake a Phase II Site Investigation at an existing reservoir in order to assess the geotechnical, geo-environmental, geological and hydrogeological ground conditions.
Intrusive fieldwork consisted of 1 No. cable percussion borehole to 25m depth, 4 No. drive-in-sampler boreholes to 6m depth and dynamic headspace analysis for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) using a Photo-inonisation Detector (PID).
Laboratory testing included Natural Moisture Content tests, Atterberg Limit tests, Quick Undrained Triaxial Strength tests, Particle Size Distribution tests, Incremental Loading Oedometer tests, Organic Matter, pH and Sulphate tests, Soil and Groundwater Contamination tests and Soil Derived Leachate Suites and compliance tests for solid waste.
Groundwater and gas monitoring was undertaken over 6 visits and included purging, micro-purging and sampling of groundwater using either dedicated bailers or a Peristaltic Pump and low flow cell.