RML were commissioned to carry out a Site Investigation for a construction of a new four-storey building with associated landscaping, together with an additional compound area including a single-storey building with parking, storage and an electricity sub-station.
Fieldwork was undertaken in line with British Standards BS 5930:2015+A1:2020. 2 No. Cable Percussion Boreholes, 3 No. Drive-in-sampler boreholes, Plate Load Bearing Tests and Land-Bourne Gas and Water Monitoring were undertaken as part of the investigation.
According to information published by British Geological Survey (BGS) the underlying geology at the site is shown as being Recent River Terrace Gravels overlying London Clay of the Eocene Period with the boundaries of the underlying Lambeth Group and Chalk lie close to the south-west of the site.
Natural Moisture Contents, Atterberg Limits, Particle Size Distribution, Quick Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests, pH and sulphates, Chemical Analysis- soil, Hazardous Waste Classification Tests, Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) and Asbestos identification were the Laboratory tests undertaken for the project.