Risk Management Limited were commissioned to undertake a Phase II Site Investigation at the site of a former Bus Station for the proposed construction of a multi-storey hotel, offices and associated car parking.
Intrusive fieldwork consisted of 5 No. rotary boreholes to 30m depth, 23 No. drive-in-sampler boreholes up to 3m depth, 6 No. mechanically excavated trail pits and gas monitoring.
Owing to the location of the site, close to the centre of Gloucester, RML worked in conjunction with an Archaeologist who was present of site to carry out a watching brief, for the duration of the work.
Laboratory testing included Natural Moisture Content tests, Atterberg Limit tests, Quick Undrained Triaxial Strength tests, pH and Sulphate tests, Contamination tests, Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) tests and Asbestos Identification.