RML were commissioned to carry out a Site Investigation, together with laboratory testing, in order to provide information to assist rising main design and inform of any potential soil contamination.
Fieldwork was undertaken in line with British Standards BS 5930:2015+A1:2020. 2 No. Rotary Core Boreholes, 4 No. Drive-in-sampler boreholes and Land-Borne Gas and Water monitoring were undertaken as part of the investigation.
According to information published by British Geological Survey (BGS) the underlying geology along the route varies from north to south, with superficial outcrops of Summertown-Radley Sand and Gravel Member in the northern portion and Northmoor Sand and Gravel Member in the southern portion of the route. Bedrock deposits vary from Kingston Formation (Sandstone) in the northern portion, to Standford Formation (Limestone) in the middle portion and then Ampthill and Kimmeridge Clay Formation in the southern portion of the route. Possible superficial deposits of Alluvium encroach into the eastern portion of the route.
Natural Moisture Contents, Atterberg Limits, Quick Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests, Particle Size Distribution, pH and sulphates, Chemical Analysis- soil, Hazardous Waste Classification tests, Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) and Asbestos identification were the Laboratory tests undertaken for the project.